The 238 Artworks of media Tempera On Panel and containing the word francesco di stefano pesellino, tempera on panel

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Francesco Di Stefano Pesellino - The Crucifixion with Saint Jerome and Saint FrancisThe Crucifixion with Saint Jerome and Saint FrancisFrancesco Di Stefano Pesellino

A man wearing a dark ring of thorns around his head hangs from a wooden cross as two kneeling people look on in this vertical painting. All the people have pale skin with a greenish cast, and all three have gold, disk-like halos. On the cross, Jesus’s head tips forward, his gaze downcast. Bright red...

Antonello Di Giovanni Di Antonio (Antonello Da Messina) - Portrait of a Young ManPortrait of a Young ManAntonello Di Giovanni Di Antonio (Antonello Da Messina)

Shown from the chest up, a clean shaven, young man with pale, rosy skin and curly, mahogany-red hair, looks at or toward us against a black background in this vertical portrait painting. His body is angled to our left, and he turns his face slightly to look our way with sienna-brown eyes under curve...

Domenico Ghirlandaio - Lucrezia TornabuoniLucrezia TornabuoniDomenico Ghirlandaio

Shown from the chest up against a dark, teal-blue background, a light-skinned woman looks off to our left left in this vertical portrait painting. Her arms extend slightly in front of her, as if they rest on her knee. Her face turns almost in profile to our left as she gazes in that direction with h...

Giovanni Bellini - The Blood of the RedeemerThe Blood of the RedeemerGiovanni Bellini

In this early work by Bellini, Christ is shown as the Redeemer. The panel may have served as the door of a tabernacle, in which the wine and bread of the Mass were kept.Christ is shown after the Crucifixion, as the Man of Sorrows, whose blood saves the world from sin. He holds his cross, with the cr...

National Gallery (London, United Kingdom)
Danish Unknown Goldsmith - Battle Before a Walled CityBattle Before a Walled CityDanish Unknown Goldsmith

Following from left to right, the episodes in this battle, identified as the siege of Troy, unfold. The figure on the extreme left underneath a royal tent may be the hero Achilles, holding his lance, covered with the rust that healed his wound. A battle rages outside the walls of Troy, presumably be...

J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, United States)
